(Photo By: Carlos Perez Photography)
My name is Kyle Femath, I was Honorably Discharged from my 1-41 Infantry Battalion as an E-5/ Sergeant on December 5th of 2012. One Deployment, to Afghanistan for one year as Alpha Team leader fighting Taliban fighters and expiring them around our area of operation.
Conducted over 150 combat firefights in the middle east (Logar Province). Carl Gustav 84mm Recoil-less Rifle Gunner for my Company, providing freedom of movement on the battle space for friendly forces to move.
In addition, one year conducting lots of cold weather training operations in South Korea. In addition, As a young private I shot Top Gun in my entire Battalion with the M249 SAW Machine gun. This not only strengthen my skill-set but it helped me move up the military ranks and take on heavier casualty producing weapons. I was trained on the M249 Saw Machine Gunner, M2 Browning .50 Cal Machine Gunner, MK 19 Gunner,the Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS) ,TOW-missile, or also known as the “Finger of God”, and the 84-mm recoilless rifle/Carl Gustaf.
I conducted lots of tactical operations and heavy weapons training at Fort Bliss, in 1-41 Delta Company for two years. My delta company was a heavy weapons Infantry company for the battalion. I moved up the ranks from a driver, to 50 cal machine gunner, to a dismount solider, all the way to Truck Commander (TC) & grenadier. I would later become Alpha Team leader in Afghanistan and earn my stripes in a bloody tradition.

Earning My Sergeant Stripes In bloody Infantry tradition, Afghanistan OEF 2011-12

The mission is quite simple, I want to implement a safer tomorrow and planet for future generations to live on. Let's Face it everyone, things are not as secure and safe as they once were. I want to encourage a responsible weapon carry and for this information to be used for the purpose of justice and promoting self-defense.

Fighting Taliban with my Scout Ranger Sniper Battle Buddies. I was the 84mm recoilless Rifle Gunner

I can no longer stand by and let all of my military training and knowledge die with me. I feel I must give back to the civilian populace and this content will provide a weapon system foundation , surrounded by basic survival skills/tactical knowledge.
(SGT.) Femath, Kyle Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) 2011-2012, Logar Province, Afghanistan 
I was prepared to lay down my life for my men, to ensure they made it home to their families. I learned not only selflessness but respect for the value of time and life. Life is too short and I had to find out at a young age that our freedom has never been free. Time is one of the most valuable things we all share on this planet and we can never have too much.
(SGT.) FEMATH, KYLE 1-41 Infantry Battalion Military Ball returning home from Afghanistan OEF 2011-2012

Currently, I go to the University Of Texas At Dallas and I’m on a mission to becoming a character animator. Animation has always been my passion and I always told myself if I lived through Afghanistan, I would pursue my dreams and make them a reality.​​​​​​​
In the words of Walt Disney,- “All our dreams can come true, If we have the courage to pursue them.” Not only do I have the courage, but I have the determination to become a great animator. They say the best animators have actually seen the world and lived. Well, I can safely say I have done things that most man will never do in their entire lifetime.
Two Associates Degrees, one in Arts and Technology & the other in Applied Science. Various extreme tactical weapon courses ranging from heavy/urban weapons to  ground fighting techniques, to various self-defense classes. ​​​​​​​
Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Don’t let their lives be in vain. We must all grasp some form of this survival/self-defense content and provided a safe haven for future/current generations to be born and live on.

Sergeant Major TU LAM & Sergeant Kyle Femath at Ronin Tactics: Combat Carbine, on the 5th of MAY 2018 @ ETTS Gun Range.

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